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Russian Hallmarks ~ Imperial Period ~ City Marks

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Russian Silver Marks Menu

City Marks

Makers' Marks

Assay Marks

Russian Silver Marks Overview

Russian City Marks ~ Smaller Cities & Towns
Astrakhan - Kiev
Астрахань - Киев
Kostroma - Tallinn
Кострома - Таллин
Tartu - Zhitomir
Тарту - Житомир




A quartered shield with a small cross to its upper left and a crescent moon to its lower right was used throughout most of the 19th century. A sailing ship or galera was used in the latter 19th century. The sailing ship was also used in an arched top cartouche from 1769-1813.

Kostroma Arms

Vasily Savelyev (silversmith) В. Савельев
Ivan Volkov (assayer) Иван Волков
Kostroma 1849

unidentified silversmith
Ivan Volkov assayer) Иван Волков
Kostroma 1853

Nikolay Chulkov (silversmith) Николай Чулков
assayer (not applicable)
Kostroma c.1885




Located in Belarus. The double headed imperial eagle with crown, used from the mid 19th century. This mark is often confused with those of Warsaw or Kamenetz-Podolsk. Unfortunately, Postnikova-Loseva has listed a great number of Warsaw assayers and makers in her Minsk section.
As from 1891, a shield depicting three bars wavy was also used as the Minsk town mark.

Minsk Oblast Arms

unidentified silversmith
unidentified assayer
Minsk 1847

unidentified silversmith
Fyodor Bogomolov (assayer) Ф. Богомолов
Minsk 1851

unidentified silversmith
Egor Zaburdin (assayer) Егор Забурдин
Minsk 1861

Nizhny Novgorod
(Нижний Новгород)

As from the mid 18th century, the town mark depicts a stag in a shield. In the last quarter of the 19th century, the cartouche form changes to a rectangle with cut corners. Nizhny Novogrod's town mark is quite similar to one used by the town of Rostov (not shown).

Nizhny Novgorod Arms



The double headed imperial eagle was first used. As from 1740, the town mark depicts two bears flanking a throne with crossed sceptre & cross with a three armed candelabrum above.

Novgorod Arms

unidentified silversmith
Nikita Safronov (assayer) Никита Сафронов
Novgorod 1819



The double headed imperial halved above diagonal quarters with crossed spears & scepters, flags, and castle.

Novocherkassk Arms

unidentified silversmith
A. Inozemtsev (assayer) А. Иноземцев
Novocherkassk 1847

unidentified silversmith
unidentified assayer
Novocherkassk 1853






Located in Ukraine. The first version of the town mark is a grapnel anchor topped by the double headed imperial eagle halved, this symbol is from the Odessa city arms and was used from the mid 19th century until c.1887. As from 1888, the city mark was changed to an orthodox cross surrounded by three crowns with rays emanating from the cross's top juncture. This symbol is drawn from the arms of the Kherson (Херсон) Province within which Odessa was located at the time. The choice of this symbol has led to some confusion about this later Odessa town mark. Postnikova-Loseva #3781 illustrates a late 19th century dvoinik mark containing this symbol as for the city of Kherson, however, Kherson city did not ever have an assay office. Postnikova-Loseva #3858 illustrates the mark shown at bottom left as an unidentifed town.

Odessa City Arms
Kherson Province Arms

Zhozef Galyano (silversmith) ????? ???????
Karl Sack (assayer) Карл Сак
Odessa 1853

unidentified silversmith
unidentified assayer
Odessa 1870

unidentified silversmith
unidentified assayer
Odessa 1879

unidentified silversmith
Iosif Shmidetsky (assayer) Iосиф Шмидецкий
Odessa 1890

G. Tsitrin (silversmith) ?. ??????
Iosif Shmidetsky (assayer) Iосиф Шмидецкий
Odessa 1889

18th/19th C.


Located in Latvia. The crossed keys were used throughout the 18th century and until c.1843 when replaced by a depiction of twin fortress towers flanking the city's crowned crossed key symbol.

Riga Arms

unidentified silversmith
Ludvig Zuck (assayer) Лудвиг Зук
Riga 1868

unidentified silversmith
Ludvig Zuck (assayer) Лудвиг Зук
Riga 18??

unidentified silversmith
Ivan Spiridonov (assayer) И. Спиридонов
Riga 1891



The three fishes were used from the mid-18th century

Saratov Arms

Aleksey Utkin (silversmith) Алексей Уткин
Kapiton Sidorov (assayer) Капитон Сидоров
Saratov 1845

unidentified silversmith
Kapiton Sidorov (assayer) Капитон Сидоров
Saratov 1851


riga town mark

riga town mark
Tallinn / Revel

Located in Estonia. A shield of three lions passant in use as from 1842, previous mark was a plain cross within a rectangle or shield.

Tallinn Arms

Leopold Michelsen (maker) Л. Михельсен
Jakov Natarov (assayer) Яков Натаров
Tallin 1858

Leopold Michelsen (maker) Л. Михельсен
Jakov Natarov (assayer) Яков Натаров
Tallin 1859

Leopold Michelsen (maker) Л. Михельсен
unidentified assayer
Tallin 1884

   Золотое и серебряное дело XV-ХХ вв - M.M. Postnikova-Loseva, Ivanova, Uljanova; Nauka, 1983
   Russian Gold and Silver - Alexander von Solodkoff; Trefoil Books, 1981
   Russian Silver - Andrei Gilodo; Beresta Moscow, 1993
   Znaki srebra do lat 40. dwudziestego wieku w Polsce - Sławomir Bołdok; Mako Press, 2005 Silver Marks Forum - various member posts, 2005-2013

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David-Andersen Marks
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