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Recognize this family crest?

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 1:03 pm
by Roland5555
This fork came down to me through my Coleman family line, however, this doesn't match any of the crests that I've seen for a Coleman. England and Ireland factor in the Coleman family history; they came to the US about 1840 via Paris. That line also has some Morgans and Barrys in it, but I didn't see a match with crests for those names either. I've been using Fairbairn to check crests. Anyone recognize this? Thank you!


Re: Recognize this family crest?

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 3:14 pm
by AG2012
A Dexter Arm, In Armour Embowed, Holding An Arrow can be Cubit or Cubitt, as well as Baker family crest.